Danish private and occupational pension assets reach DKK 4bn in 2021

The total assets in privately subscribed and employer-administered pension schemes reached DKK 4,054bn in 2021, according to data from Forsikring & Pension (F&P).

Of this total, 73 per cent of assets were in employer-administered schemes and 27 per cent were in privately subscribed pension schemes.

Almost half of the pension assets (DKK 1,973bn) were in pension schemes with annuities, DKK 1,481bn were in schemes with drawdown, and DKK 600bn were invested in schemes with a one-off payment.

In total, just under 3.6 million people had a privately subscribed and/or an employer-administered pension scheme.

F&P noted that customers tended to have several types of pension scheme, with 3 million people having an annuity pension scheme, 2.8 million had a pension scheme with drawdown, and 2.5 million had a pension with a one-off payment.

Breaking it down by age, F&P revealed that two-thirds of 25-year-olds had started saving for a pension, while just under 90 per cent of 40-year-olds had pension assets.

The proportion of people with pension assets increased up to the age of 60, when it began to decrease.

The size of pension assets also varied with age, with 2 per cent of 25-year-olds having pension assets of more than DKK 250,000.

Meanwhile, 69 per cent of 40-year-olds had pension assets of over DKK 250,000, rising to 82 per cent of 60-year-olds.

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