- FI and Riskbank have launched a game to increase young people's understanding of personal finances.
After a survey from FI showed only one in three young adults felt that they had sufficient knowledge to negotiate their interest rate with the bank and just under half feel that they can manage savings, FI and the Riksbank launched Koll på cashen (Cash Watch), a new interactive web game for upper secondary schools. Cash Watch is an interactive journey in retro design, following three characters through their lives and as they make different types of personal financial decisions. Finansinspektionen project manager, Niklas Uppenberg, said: "To get a good start in adult life, you must understand how to handle your personal finances. We hope the game will inspire young people to make wise decisions and handle unforeseen events that affect one's finances."
- Arcmont Asset Management (Arcmont) launches impact lending strategy with two mandates for €475m.
Dutch pension asset manager APG and TIAA will provide the mandates, which will be used to offer debt financing to companies whose products and services seek to address critical environmental and social challenges across four key themes: climate, health, education and sustainable economic growth. Arcmont said the strategy would allow investors to achieve financial returns alongside positive, measurable environmental and social impact. The firm believes this is a natural extension of its existing commitments to responsible capital allocation. To ensure transparency, accountability and integrity in impact measurement, Arcmont will report on outcome impact KPIs for investments. Commenting on the deal, Arcmont CEO, Anthony Fobel, said: “Arcmont is a leading responsible investor in the European private debt market and one of the first private debt firms of its size to launch an impact lending strategy. We are proud to take this step forward with APG and TIAA’s support, and we believe that this strategy will provide our investors with a meaningful way to contribute to a sustainable future.”
- As part of the Danish Money Week, a group of bankers visited around 100,000 schoolchildren as guest lecturers on topics such as savings, investment, budgeting, APR, and fraud attempts by IT criminals.
Money Week is the name of the initiative from Finans Danmark, which has been running since 2014. Arbejdernes Landsbank provided 20 volunteer teachers around the country's schools. Arbejdernes Landsbank deputy CEO, Frank Mortensen, commented: "I had the honour of being a guest teacher in 8.X at Holmegårdsskolen in Hvidovre. As always, getting an insight into what our young people think and know about personal finance was fun and educational. They were happy with the visit (at least they said so), and I think they took some new knowledge home."
- Natixis Interépargne announced plans to offer a webinar for savers as part of the French Employee Savings Week, taking place this year from 24-28 March.
The week aims to provide employees and businesses with objective, educational, and practical information on employee savings and retirement. The objective is to better understand the advantages of these savings, encourage companies to communicate better with their employees, and convince those that do not yet offer this system.
- SPP and Danske Bank announced plans for a strategic partnership.
The partnership aims to offer its customers a broader range of attractive banking and insurance products and develop joint customer strategies that meet the needs for security and financial stability throughout life. Commenting on the collaboration, Danske Bank CEO, Linda Fagerlund, said: "We have a clear strategic focus on expanding our service offering beyond traditional banking services. We do this to make it easier for customers looking for increased security through the different phases of life. SPP is a strong complement to the bank through its strong offering within, for example, traditional insurance."
- Queen Máxima announced plans attend two lessons on money matters at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands, on 25 March.
Thousands of primary, secondary, and vocational education classes use lesson packages from the Wijzer in Geldzaken platform to teach children and young people financial skills. This year's theme is "How do you make your money dreams come true?"
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