News in brief: 8 March

- Dutch pension fund Bpf HiBiN, for those working in the building material trade, has completed its migration to the AxyLife pension administration system provided by Lumera.

The implementation project reached a major milestone within 10 months, as the full transition of existing policy data for participants and pensioners from the legacy platform to Lumera AxyLife was successfully conducted in early 2024.

"Given the brief period between our decision to go with Lumera and bringing AxyLife to operational status at Bpf HiBiN, we believe this is a textbook example of collaboration and excellent project management,” Bpf HiBiN management office director, Robert Hendrickx, said.

- France’s Fonds de Reserve pour Les Retraites (FRR) has launched a tender for three responsible active management mandates investing in all-cap Japanese equities.

The benchmark used to measure managers' performance will have characteristics similar to those of the MSCI Japan TR index. It will be specified in the management mandates during the bidding phase. The management approach may be fundamental or active quantitative.

- Sweden’s KPA has announced that customers saving in its traditional pension insurance product will be invested in equities for a longer period of time prior to retirement.

Instead of beginning the de-risking of equities at the age of 50, KPA will now push this back to age 55, and continue to de-risk up to the age of 65, previously 60. KPA said it was making the change to give its “customers an even better chance of a good pension”.

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