News in brief: 26 July

- LCP Ireland has developed a project plan to help trustees meet their obligations for the new Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) by January 2025.

DORA aims to strengthen the information and communications technology (ICT) security of financial entities, including most pension schemes. LCP Ireland said that DORA introduces a new set of obligations specifically focused on digital operational resilience. It requires a comprehensive approach to managing and mitigating risks related to ICT systems and services.

“Navigating the complexities of DORA requires specialised expertise that bridges the gap between pensions and ICT. DORA demands a different focus and a new set of strategies. LCP has developed a comprehensive, practical, and robust project plan to help trustees meet their obligations by 17 January 2025,” LCP Ireland senior consultant, Naomi Reville, said.

- Dutch pension funds Achmea Pensioenservices, Stichting Pensioenfonds voor Dierenartsen (SPD) and Stichting Pensioenfonds voor Fysiotherapeuten (SPF) will transition to the new pension system as of 1 July 2025.

“In the preparations, we have long been aiming for a transition on 1 January 2025. However, we opted for July 1 to have enough room for a responsible transition. Care is paramount. Both dates were already in the preliminary plans. No other customer transitions are planned for the 1 July 2025 date,” Achema stated.

- A new association for members of the Shell Pension Fund Foundation (SSPF) has been established.

The new association, Vereniging Onze Opgebouwde Rechten Op Pensioen (VOOROP - Association Our Accrued Pension Rights) was founded in April this year. The purpose of VOOROP is to serve the interests of participants affiliated with SSPF, and as such, is an association of pension beneficiaries and former participants as referred to in sections 115h and 150g (2) of the Pensions Act. VOOROP's objective is to preserve the value-consistent pension rights currently in place at SSPF.

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