News in brief: 16 December

Munich Private Equity Partners (MPEP) has announced that its fourth fund-of-funds programme, MPEP IV, closed with capital commitments of around €392m.

This is above its original target of €250m due to strong support from its existing and new investors, according to MPEP. Investors included a base of institutional clients, including pension schemes and asset managers. Existing investors from countries such as Germany, Spain, the UK and Italy were joined by new investors from Scandinavia and the Netherlands. MPEP IV focused on private equity funds in the North American and European lower mid- and mid-cap buyout segment. Its predecessor, MPEP III, closed at €162m.

Finland’s Veritas Pensionsförsäkring has made a Christmas donation to support young Ukrainian people in finding jobs in Finland.

The money has been donated from the funds reserved for Christmas cards and has gone to the Deaconess Institute. The Deaconess Institute's Vamos service helps 16-29-year-old youths outside the education system and working life to find their own path in life. Every young person in Vamos gets their own coach who helps them find their way to work, education or a generally balanced everyday life. "Right now, it feels important to support people whose future is most affected by the crisis in Ukraine. That's why we don't send out Christmas greetings, but instead we support young people from Ukraine in finding work in Finland," said Veritas HR director, Jenni Kosunen.

Climate Asset Management has achieved commitments of more than US $650 million across its two natural capital strategies.

Climate Asset Management is a natural capital investment manager formed as a joint venture between HSBC Asset Management, and climate change investment and advisory firm Pollination. Commitments have been raised from a variety of financial institutions across Europe, the US and Asia, with HSBC acting as anchor investor for both strategies. Climate Asset Management said the two investment strategies were particularly relevant given the recent inclusion of nature-based solutions for the first time in the cover text at COP27, and ongoing discussions around financing for biodiversity and biodiversity credits at COP15. Climate Asset Management continues to raise funds across both strategies and expects to make further announcements during 2023.

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