Customers saving for a pension with Finland’s Velliv have seen results of up to 14.8 per cent in 2021, the provider has revealed.
Those saving in VækstPension with medium risk and at least 15 years to retire received a return of 14.1 and 14.8 per cent, dependent on whether they save in VækstPension Index, Aftryk or Aktiv.
Commenting, Velliv investment director, Anders Stensbøl Christiansen, said: “2021 was a really good year for pension customers in terms of returns. Not least the reopening of the world economy led to a very positive market in the first part of 2021.
“In the second part we have seen somewhat more turmoil and a lower return due to rising interest rates and rising inflation. That development we must expect will continue into 2022.”
Going forward, Stensbøl Christiansen, said that he expects to be at a slightly lower lower than what has been seen over the previous 10 years; a total return of 150 per cent he said was “extraordinarily good”.
“This is not least due to record low interest rates and the fact that the central banks have simultaneously sent thousands of billions into the economy. This has strengthened the stock market broadly. That is why I do not expect us to see such a high return when we look back in 10 years.”
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