Dutch pension fund PFZW engages with Nike on employee rights

Dutch pension fund PFZW has written to sportswear manufacturer Nike, calling on the company to ensure it respects employee rights.

In the letter to the CEO, PFZW claimed that Nike suppliers Ramatex and Hong Seng Knitting had not fully paid wages to their employees.

The pension fund noted that, over the past two years, it and other investors had asked Nike to increase employee income.

It has called on Nike to take responsibility and arrange for the full payment of unpaid salaries to employees of its suppliers.

PFZW has also asked Nike for extensive reporting on how the firm complies with its human rights obligations.

“As an investor in Nike, PFZW cares about the fate of vulnerable employees at Nike suppliers,” the pension fund stated.

“We use our influence to push Nike to improve the rights of workers in its supply chain.

“As early as 2018, the Dutch pension sector signed an agreement on responsible entrepreneurship that refers to the United Nations guidelines in the field of human rights. This forms the basis of our human rights guidelines.”

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