Swedish Pension Group to review pension contribution level

The cross-parliamentary Swedish Pension Group has agreed to review the level of pension contributions in the country’s pension system.

The review by the Pension Group, which consists of the eight parties in the Riksdag, will focus on the level of contributions in the national income-based pension system. Furthermore, it will also develop proposals on how to deal with surpluses in the pension system.

Swedish Minister for Elderly Affairs and Social Security, Anna Tenje, said: “With today's announcement, we are honouring the agreement from 2017 to conduct an analysis of the level of contributions in the pension system, while we have also agreed to develop proposals on how the surplus in the pension system can be managed.

“These two agreements show that all eight parliamentary parties are willing and ready to take responsibility for a long-term and sustainable pension system.”

As a result of the Pensions Group's agreement, the government will decide on a directive for an inquiry with the task of analysing the level of contributions in the national income-based pension system. In addition, Tenje will set up a working group within the government offices to draw up proposals for dealing with surpluses in the pension system.

It is the second time an agreement has been reached by the group following its expansion to include all eight parties in the Riksdag. In October 2023, the group announced it had agreed that occupational pension payments in Sweden should have the option to be paused, to encourage more elderly people to work.

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