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08.15 – 08.50: Registration and refreshments

08.50 – 09.00: Chairman’s welcome
Andrew Cheseldine,
Professional Trustee, Capital Cranfield

09.00 – 09.30: Opening Keynote Speaker - Update on EU developments
Matti Leppälä,
CEO, PensionsEurope

As CEO of PensionsEurope - the leading voice for funded pensions in Europe, representing 25 European national pension fund associations, covering over 100 million Europeans and €7 trillion of assets – Matti is well placed to present on all areas impacting European pension funds today. He will use his session to offer delegates an overview of the topical issues in pensions at a European level – to include the ongoing IORP II review and the questions it covers; the state of play of cross-border pensions; communication to members and beneficiaries; diversity and inclusion; the central clearing of derivatives; and the developments in sustainable finance, such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

09.30 – 10.10: Panel discussion - Investment strategies for today’s world
Panel chair: Andrew Cheseldine,
Professional Trustee, Capital Cranfield
Chetan Ghosh,
Chief Investment Officer, Centrica Pension Scheme
Hedwig Peters, Pension Fund Board Member of multiple Dutch pension funds
Jan Petersson, Senior Portfolio Manager, AP4 fund

This session will look at the economic, regulatory and other challenges facing Europe’s pension funds today and what those making the investment decisions are doing to meet those challenges. From geo-political influences, inflation pressures and meeting evermore complex ESG demands, these three pension experts from different parts of Europe will share their experiences.

10.10 – 10.40: The Current Opportunity In Insurance Linked Strategies
Alistair Jones,
Managing Director, Business Development and Head of ESG, Leadenhall
Lorenzo Volpi,
Managing Partner, Deputy CEO, Leadenhall

Alistair and Lorenzo will look at insurance linked strategies; how they offer the opportunity to enhance potential returns and genuinely diversify risk, as well as provide society with social resilience, including from meteorological and climate events.

10.40 – 11.00: Coffee break

11.00 – 11.40: Panel discussion – ESG: Are we achieving our aims?
Panel Chair: Andrew Cheseldine,
Professional Trustee, Capital Cranfield
Jana Bour,
ESG Policy & Advocacy Manager, European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA)
Philippe Dutertre,
Finance & Investments Director, Ag2R La Mondiale
Evalinde Eelens,
Professional Trustee, Ravenna Consulting and board member on multiple Dutch pension schemes

ESG regulation has been growing in recent years, but is it achieving the desired outcomes? Are there challenges with the current EU Sustainable Finance framework? How can financial returns and ESG returns be realised in harmony rather than a trade-off? And when is an investment truly sustainable? These are just some of the questions that will be addressed in this session on one of the most topical areas in pensions today.

11.40 – 12.20: Panel discussion – Cross-border pensions: Driving change
Panel Chair: Francesco Briganti,
Secretary General, CBBA-Europe
Michael Hadjihannas, CEO, LifeGoals
Falco Valkenburg, Vice-Chairperson, EIOPA OPSG
Thierry Verkest, Partner, International Wealth Solutions, Aon

How can current European regulation be improved to boost the interest in cross-border occupational pensions? What are the challenges and opportunities of setting up a Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP)? Can we expect a new Pan-European Occupational Pension vehicle (PEOP) going beyond the existing IORP Directive? This panel brings together some of the key players in the cross-border / pan-European pensions movement, who will each offer their experiences and share the work they are doing to bridge the gaps in this complex yet dynamic area.

12.20 – 12.50: CEO focus: View from the top
Timo Löyttyniemi,
Chief Executive Officer, The State Pension Fund of Finland (VER)

Timo will use this session to give delegates an insider view of overseeing the government buffer fund which has over 20 billion euros under management. Timo will offer both strategic and current market views, how these impact asset allocation decisions, as well as present on some of the challenges and successes he has experienced in the role.

12.50 – 13.50: Lunch break

13.50 – 14.20: Case study: Royal Mail CDC
Angela Gough,
Head of Corporate Pensions, Royal Mail
Emma Weston-Green,
Scheme Secretary, Royal Mail Collective Pension Plan

Angela and Emma will offer delegates an interesting insight into the establishment of the ground-breaking Royal Mail Collective Pension Plan, the first collective defined contribution (CDC) pension scheme to be authorised by The Pensions Regulator in the UK: What steps needed to be taken, the challenges they faced, the lessons they learnt from Europe and beyond, and the next steps.

14.20 – 15.00: Panel discussion - Member engagement & technology: Innovation that makes a difference
Panel Chair: David Butcher,
Managing Director, Communications and Content
Roger Breeden,
Accredited Professional Pension Trustee, BESTrustees
Panayiotis Mavromichalis,
Executive Director – CSO, LifeGoals
Snædís Ögn Flosadóttir,
Managing Director 

How can technology be used most effectively to enhance member engagement? What are some of the key features that keep members engaged and motivated? Is frequent, or even daily interaction, with a pension’s platform possible? These are just some of the questions that will be addressed in this session showcasing the innovation happening in member engagement.

15.00 – 15.30: Shifting tides: The Irish Pensions Landscape
Stephen Gillick,
Partner & Head of Pensions, Mason Hayes & Curran LLP
Jerry Moriarty,

The implementation of the IORP II Directive has caused a major shift in the Irish pensions landscape with a largescale move of schemes to master trusts. With auto-enrolment due to be introduced in 2024, this session will consider how the Irish pensions market will change over the coming years.

15.30: Close of conference